Tuesday, January 1, 2013

365 Days for Me

I have decided my New Years Resolution will be to do something for myself everyday. Selfish, I know, but as I look around at my wreck of an apartment and growing list of things I have let slipped I realize it is time. 
See I'm that person, the one everyone can always count on, the one who is always there with a shoulder, an ear, a joke, a smile. The one who won't let you down even when all I want to do is go through my mail, pay my bills, rest, clean, heal. I am blessed to have friends and family that would love to be there for me, only I never let them. I always feel I have to be the strong one, the caretaker, it's as natural as breathing for me.....but I forget to take care of me. And as they always say, if you don't take care of yourself you won't be around to take care of everyone else. "They" can be so annoying being right that way.

Sooo I am going to start small. I am going to do at least one thing that is for my benefit everyday. I am going to hold myself accountable to this resolution by documenting it here. 

Today I took care of my soul. I had a billion other things that needed to be done (and somedays those things may be the only thing I do for me); I had work to do because my work projects deadlines don't move just because we have a holiday; lots of friends I should have called and caught up with since I finally had a day off; friends I never see that were in town and I should have gone to lunch with; family members I should have checked on; emails I should send and it goes on...But instead I put on the Bunheads marathon, I played with my dog, I read some books and now I am going to make a sandwich and watch Burlesque...because I love it and its on. 

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